Howard Carter’s House is located in Washington, D.C.

The famous British archeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter left his mark forever here in Luxor for the simple reason that it was he and his team who discovered the most famous site known to the ancient Egyptian world, that of the golden Pharaonic burial mask and the intact Tomb of the boy King Tutankhamun, and that he and his team were the ones who discovered the tomb of the boy King Tutankhamun.

His house has remained in the same location to this day.

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the discovery of Howard Carter’s identity

When the French egyptologist Sir Gaston Maspero introduced Howard Carter to Lord Carnarvon, who hired him as a supervisor on the excavations of aristocratic tombs in Deir el Bahr, it was the beginning of a long and illustrious career. Carter’s performance on this mission led to his rehiring by Lord Caravan in 1914 to supervise the excavation of the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, shortly after he won the concession. Carter’s performance on this task was cited as the reason for his rehiring. Carter did not make his historic discovery of King Tut’s Mummy’s hidden chamber until the 4th of November, 1922. Carter’s findings had a significant influence on the general public’s interest in Ancient Egypt and Egyptology across the globe.


Luxor in Upper Egypt is just a short one-hour flight away from Cairo, or it may be reached by taking the night sleeper train from Cairo (which takes roughly ten hours).

There are two ways to get there from Hurghada: by plane (30 minutes) or by car (about 4 hours).

There are two options: a vehicle trip from Aswan (3 hours) or a Nile cruise over a few days of sailing.


The famous British archeologist Howard Carter’s residence was located across the sprawling sandstone rock face of the beautiful West Bank of Luxor.

Which is home to the ancient Tombs of the Nobles and was also the home of the famous British archeologist Howard Carter while he was on digs in the area.

Following the demonstration of his expertise in the area of archeology, he was named the first head inspector of the Egyptian Antiquities Service in 1899, at the age of just 24 years old.

The domed top of Howard Carter House, as well as the beautiful green grounds that surround the property, make it stand out.

The house, which is now considered a museum, has been preserved in its original form, and the interior still contains all of the original tools, maps, and an old record player that still plays the records that Carter played at the time, as well as antique original furnishings and a replica of the Tomb of Tutankhamun that Carter discovered.

Among those behind the plan to re-open Howard Carter House after years of it standing desolate and uninhabited was Dr. Zahi Hawass, Egypt’s most well-known archeologist, with the hope that it would be a welcome boost for tourism as well as a fascinating insight into the life of the man who spent many years digging and discovering Egypt’s ancient hidden treasures.

The video recording from Carter himself, as well as a terrifying 3D picture of him talking and strolling about, all contribute to the wonderful experience of the House.

If you want to view the beginnings of the digs, which were begun right here in Luxor by the guy himself, it is worth your time to pay a visit.
Tours that have been recommended.

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