The Siwa Oasis in Egypt


Many desert travelers consider Siwa Oasis to be their favorite oasis.
A beautiful ambiance pervades the space, an environment that is calming.

It is truly a lovely setting.

The Adrere Amellal eco-lodge in Siwa may be accessed either by taking the desert route from Bahariya or, more often, by taking the road down from Marsa Matruh on the northern shore.

There is also an air service, albeit you must check beforehand to see when the flights from Cairo are scheduled to depart.

There are also no significant hotel chains in the country, however, there are a few extremely individual top-class places to stay; Prince Charles stayed at one of them when he visited the country in 2006.

A visit to the Siwa Eco-Lodge In a region surrounded by lakes that are too salty to enable fishing, Adrere Amellal Siwa has long been renowned for its olive orchards and palm gardens, which date back to antiquity.

Today, Siwan olives and Siwan bottled water are widely regarded as the best and cleanest available in the country.

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It is a claim that can be readily substantiated since there is nothing created here that could be considered pollution.

Originally, there were two populations in Siwa. Aside from the local Siwans, who are of Berber descent, there are also the Bedouin, who live in communities on or near the outside of the Oasis and whose brightly dressed ladies are not as reclusive as the native Siwans.

When visiting Siwa, one is impressed by the ruins of the mud town of Old Shali, which was ultimately abandoned in the 1980s after suffering serious brain damage.

It is located near the new town of Shali and has the appearance of a destroyed fortress constructed of mud pies.

Traveling through the dark corridors to get there is possible, but be cautious of where you walk at all times.

Siwa is most well-known for being the location of the Oracle, which Alexander the Great visited in 331 BC.

Arriving before the Oracle, he asked that the Oracle answer his query (which was said to be “Will I control the world?” and to which the Oracle replied, “Yes, but not for very long”).

In addition to being able to visit the purported location of the Oracle, there are other attractions to see, such as Cleopatra’s pool and the destroyed town, to mention a few.

Siwa Arts and Crafts

Siwa has the greatest artisan heritage of any of the oases, and it is especially evident in its pottery.

You may purchase one-of-a-kind ceramic tajin, or Saharan cooking pots, that have been handcrafted and cooked in bread ovens rather than kilns.

Women who dress more conservatively the rest of the year create wedding gowns of breathtaking design.

Siwa has a lot of music.

As a musician, you’ll realize that Siwans are unrestrained and very skilled.
It is customary for Siwans to maintain a high level of musical preparation for the four major festivals they celebrate each year, as well as their highly musical weddings.

The largest event, Siayha, which is open to the public, attracts approximately 10,000 Siwans to the adjacent Jebel Dakhour for three days of eating, dancing, and singing, and is the most well-known.

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