Medinet Habu is a term used to refer to a person who practices medicine.

The Mortuary Temple of Ramses III has a wealth of ancient Egyptian art and architecture that has survived to this day.

Walk past the ruins of the workers’ mud-brick homes at the back of the site, and then into the magnificence of the temples.

Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III supervised the construction of the initial temple of Amun, which was eventually walled in by Ramses III to form the current complex.

If you want to enjoy a memorable trip in Egypt, check out our Egypt Excursions with our certified Egyptologist and Egypt travel guide.

A massive edifice unique to Madinat Habu, the Syrian Gate, serves as the entryway to the temple complex.

Carved with enormous representations depicting Ramses III conquering the Libyans, this large structure welcomes visitors to this temple complex.

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